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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯名家字画与名人字画的区别


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-01-14

With the gradual popularity of the calligraphy and painting market, calligraphy and painting have become an investment collection for people. But for many collectors of calligraphy and painting, such as Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong and other famous calligraphers and paintings, they can't afford it. The potential contemporary famous calligraphers and paintings have become a good choice for people. So what is the difference between famous calligraphies and paintings and famous calligraphies and paintings? Calligraphy and painting appraisal evaluation editor to give you an answer
Q: How to determine the nature of the two types of artworks?
"Calligraphy and painting celebrities" refer to those who have high attainments in the field of calligraphy and painting, most of whom are from the university, such as Fu Baoshi; Or full-time and long-term engaged in calligraphy and painting art creation. They are famous for their professional skills and long-term artistic creation. "Celebrity painting and calligraphy" refers to those who have a high reputation outside the painting and calligraphy industry. They do not have professional background (or high attainments) and do not take painting and calligraphy as their profession, but their works are popular with the world, such as Mei Lanfang, who has a high reputation in the opera industry, but is not specialized in the painting and calligraphy field.
Q: How do they perform in the market?
Each has its own needs. Today, compared with "celebrities in calligraphy and painting", the market places more emphasis on "celebrities in calligraphy and painting". Even artists who take calligraphy and painting as their profession must participate in social activities extensively to make themselves "famous", and then join the current "celebrity calligraphy and painting" sequence. Celebrity calligraphy and painting are equivalent to famous brand goods, and the value of social identity is equivalent to the value of brand trademark. In the commodity economy society, the transaction value is greater than the production value.
Artwork without social symbol value is like a product without trademark. Even if it has full use value and appreciation value, it can only be used in the low-end market, but cannot enter the mainstream market. Therefore, those with high skills may not have high prices because they are unknown for the time being. In the current market, it depends on who has more voice and artistic influence.
Q: How do investors choose?
"Celebrity calligraphy and painting" is often related to the aesthetic trend at that time. Investors should pay attention to the timeliness when choosing, and exchange them within the validity period. Once the timeliness expires, their works may lose their original value. This kind of investment focuses on short-term benefits. The value of "calligraphy and painting celebrities" is stable, and once it is positioned in the art history, it will be effective for a long time.
Investors should pay attention to the risk of authenticity. Due to the small output of fine works of art, the artistic classics created by masters were far from meeting the social needs at that time, and were always encouraged to learn and imitate by the society, so there were many "high imitation" works on the market.
Although there are market demands, the demanders are different. Whether you choose "famous calligraphers and painters" or "famous calligraphers and painters", there are risks. You can come to us for research http://www.jinandayatang.com Share and exchange!