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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯了解下装裱书画时每个部位的名称术语


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-01-10

A complete framed painting and calligraphy, each part has a certain name. When appraising calligraphy and painting, we should have a comprehensive understanding of the names and terms of each part of the painting and calligraphy. Next, Jinan's acquisition of calligraphy and painting personnel will explain to you.
1. Life paper: It is the paper that draws the heart. Whether the heart is made of paper or silk, there is a layer of paper. If the supporting paper of the painting heart is removed, the painting heart will be colorless and lifeless, that is, lifeless, hence the name "life paper".
2. The second layer: the removed supporting paper, sometimes slightly filled, can be called the true painting, called "the second layer", also called "soul in", because it is the second layer of painting heart, and is the soul of life paper painting. Also called "bastard", it means to confuse fake with real. When purchasing calligraphy and painting, we may encounter this situation, and we should pay special attention to it.
3. Give way: there is a wide gap between the four sides of the painting center and the mounting edge. It is called "concession".
4. Back covering: it is the whole paper mounted on the back of the painting.
5. Separation: The framer adds a different color of silk or silk on the top and bottom of the banner or at the front and back of the scroll, which is called "separation".
6. Poetry hall: It is called "Poetry Hall" by hanging a piece of paper on the top of the painting. First, because of its short heart, it is more appropriate after setting off; The second is to inscribe poems and praise paintings, so it is called "Poetry Hall". Some people also call it "Jade Pool".
7. Painting pole: It is a round wooden pole used for painting. The thinner one at the top of the painting is called "sky pole", and the thicker one at the bottom is called "ground pole".
8. Shaft head: It is the shaft head pressed at both ends of the ground pole. Most of the shaft heads are made of mahogany, rosewood, ox horn and ivory. The shaft head not only increases the beauty of the painting shaft, but also is flexible.
9. Tripping: There are two pieces of silk or silk on both sides of the pole behind the picture, such as the side of the box in the shape of gourd or cloud head, called "Tripping". It is designed to protect the painting rod from falling.
10. Wrapping the head: It is to mount a piece of silk or Myanmar silk on the back of the paper on the first sleeve of the painting. After being rolled, it can cover the top of the scroll, so it is called "wrap the top".
11. Draw a sign: there is a piece of paper called "draw a sign" on the top of the top pole of the package head. It is inscribed with the name of the author, the content of the painting and the name, year and month of the collector.
12. Curved circle: refers to the painted copper nose nailed on the ceiling, which is used to tie wire A for hanging.
13. Binding: It is the silk belt tied in the middle of Silk A, which is used to bind the painting scroll.
14. Swallow belt: It is the upper end of the frame mounter. There are two symmetrical straight belts called "Swallow belt".
The relevant contents of the names and terms of each part when mounting the calligraphy and painting are explained above. You can use them as a reference. Of course, since you are purchasing or collecting, you need to learn more about the relevant information to avoid being cheated. Follow us http://www.jinandayatang.com , understand the precautions!