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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心买字画原来有这么多好处!


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-10-18

1. Enhance taste
Calligraphy and painting, as forms of artistic expression, contain profound cultural heritage. Long term appreciation of calligraphy and painting can also influence one's temperament and shape an elegant taste. Calligraphy and painting are not just decorations for a room, so it's not like hanging calligraphy and painting all over the room to become a high-end person. But to taste and feel with heart, let calligraphy and painting decorate the soul.
2. Shaping Personality
Chinese calligraphy and painting works contain Eastern cultural philosophy, which is a reflection of Chinese cultural connotations. Watching calligraphy and painting can subtly comprehend the realm of Chinese Taoist thought of the unity of heaven and man. Feel a spiritual enjoyment that transcends the senses.
3. Creating Beauty
In a space, calligraphy and painting can effectively enhance the artistic atmosphere. From a cultural perspective, hanging calligraphy and painting on a house is not just a simple decoration, but rather shaping an artistic sense that conforms to Eastern aesthetics..
4. Education for future generations
The educational function of calligraphy and painting has not been substantively proposed by calligraphy and painting brokers, even in the critical world, it is just a beautiful saying. Family ownership of calligraphy and painting plays an important role in children's understanding and exploration of art.
5 Investment appreciation
Calligraphy and painting investors often consider calligraphy and painting as investment products, suitable for circulation and entering the art industry. Perhaps when you are in difficulty, they will help you, such as making art collateral, becoming a life-saving straw when you are struggling! Even, it will make you instantly become a millionaire!
Why do we hang calligraphy and paintings at home?
1. Wall repair and embellishment
The decoration with four white floors appears too monotonous. Hanging a calligraphy and painting can not only add color to the wall and beautify the home, but also add a touch of poetic and picturesque atmosphere to family life, breaking the monotony and injecting vitality. In addition, some rooms that lack sunlight are prone to feeling low after prolonged exposure, and efforts must be made to remedy it. For example, hanging sunflower pictures on dark walls at home, with the meaning of "sunny flowers make spring easier", can compensate for the shortcomings in lighting.
2. Set off the owner's elegance and connotation
Appreciate and enjoy the beauty of art while striving for self-cultivation and understanding. Landscape painting - a habitat for busy souls. Regular reading not only allows for the realization of the natural path of harmony between heaven and man, but also enhances the life taste and self cultivation of the home owner. The mountain is tall and heavy, with a broad mind, breeding and accommodating flowers, trees, birds, and animals. Looking up at the high mountain, people are so insignificant! Water, flexible and low-key, cultivates all things, and is disliked by everyone without struggle. Watching the stream water, how ugly people are! Landscape painting is an artistic portrayal of natural beauty, a contradictory and unified combination of high and low, large and small, and rigid and soft. Human beings are only a small and negligible part of nature. Therefore, people should integrate into nature and revere it.