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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心比较实用的字画保存方法


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-09-27

In fact, paper can be kept unchanged for thousands of years, which is also the reason why many people collect calligraphy and painting. Some people neglect the preservation of calligraphy and painting when collecting calligraphy and painting, which leads to yellowing and wrinkling of paper, which is not worth the loss. Therefore, just collecting is not enough, and preservation is also important, so you must remember the preservation method of calligraphy and painting collection. The following Jinan acquisition calligraphy and painting personnel recommend a more practical preservation method for you.
It is basic to frame calligraphy and painting. If you want to preserve them for a long time, it can protect the paper from damage. In addition, the framed calligraphy and painting can have a better appreciation effect, and can also be used for decoration, hanging on the wall for exhibition, etc. So one thing many people do after buying back calligraphy and painting is to frame, which is particularly important. In particular, some fragile or thin paper should be mounted as early as possible to avoid damage.
The calligraphy and painting should not be folded for storage, because after years, the folded paper will break or have black creases, which will be difficult to remove once they appear. When dedusting, some people will directly wipe the paper with a dry cloth or brush, which will cause great damage to the paper, and also make some micro dust embedded in the paper gap, which is counterproductive. The correct dust removal method should be to lay the calligraphy and painting flat, and gently brush the dust with a brush, so as to protect the paper from damage to a large extent.
I have a friend who carefully framed his new calligraphy and painting and put it in the box. After a period of time, he took it out and found that the calligraphy and painting had already turned yellow. Later, he learned that the moisture-proof work was not done well. Yes, if you want to keep the original appearance of paper for a long time, you should pay attention to moisture, moth, rat and mold prevention. If conditions permit, special boxes can also be configured according to the size of the calligraphy and painting, and camphor balls and moisture absorbents can be put in them, so that you do not have to worry about the problem of moisture or moth eaten paper.
If the collected calligraphy and painting you bought are usually hung on the wall for decoration, remember to avoid the place directly facing the sun, and also avoid the direct exposure of the incandescent lamp as much as possible, because part of the paint will fade under the long-term ultraviolet radiation, which will not pay off. If you keep your calligraphy and paintings in the box, remember to take them out for inspection regularly, and take them out for ventilation and moisture removal in dry days to let the moisture dissipate.
Only proper preservation and careful collection of calligraphy and painting can greatly prolong the life of calligraphy and painting, and can better play its artistic value. If calligraphy and painting are not properly preserved, it will also greatly affect its price. Compared with the tedious process of repairing calligraphy and painting, it is simpler to preserve and protect them in ordinary days. More questions about celebrity calligraphy and painting can be found on our website http://www.jinandayatang.com Consult!