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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-09-14

Some people like to collect famous people's calligraphy and paintings, while others like to collect jade articles. As for collectors, they must be knowledgeable in collecting. Now we will talk about the precautions for calligraphy and painting collection when Jinan purchases a small edition of calligraphy and painting.
1、 The authenticity of calligraphy and painting: At present, calligraphy and painting investment is favored by more and more people, while the celebrity calligraphy and painting market is full of fakes, which makes people dizzy. When purchasing famous calligraphy and painting, collectors who have just entered the profession must ask an expert to help them, so as to prevent buying fake. At present, it is safer to purchase calligraphy and painting collections directly from calligraphers or from reputable calligraphy and painting collection networks, such as Yanding Collection Network.
2、 The level of works: When buying calligraphy and painting, investors tend to enter a misunderstanding that as long as celebrities are worth buying and collecting, but in fact, the level of art of celebrities is the basic factor to measure the value of their collection. Even the works of famous artists do not necessarily guarantee that every piece is a masterpiece. If you accidentally buy the work of a painter or calligrapher, the collection value will be greatly reduced, because it is incomparable with fine works.
3、 The quality of calligraphy and painting: quality refers to the overall "appearance" of calligraphy and painting, that is, the overall layout and composition of calligraphy and painting, the size and contrast of lines and colors, etc. These are important factors that affect the value of calligraphy and painting. To taste calligraphy and painting, we should focus on the big picture and observe the details, so as to select the best works and stay away from the works of entertainment. If collectors want to buy ancient calligraphy and paintings, they should pay more attention to the appearance and carefully look for traces of old age.
There are many problems to pay attention to in the collection of calligraphy and painting. Here, we explain the problems from three aspects, and you can come to our website for more precautions http://www.jinandayatang.com Always consult.