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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心字画收藏投资的五个策略


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-08-27

Because there are more risks and pitfalls in the investment of calligraphy and painting collection, its investment strategy also requires more rigorous, scientific, clear and effective. Let's talk about the five strategies of calligraphy and painting collection and investment in Shandong's acquisition of famous calligraphy and painting personnel.
1. First, we should attach importance to strength and ignore "fame", and remember that "false fame does not add value"
The great harm to the investment in calligraphy and painting collection is the media hype, the inheritance of the name, the legacy of the popularity, and the false popularity that depends on age and qualification. As long as the collector can maintain a calm and rational attitude, it is easy to eliminate the "false name".
2. Second, we should pay more attention to the long-term and light the short-term benefits, and remember to "put a long line to catch a big fish"
There is a saying in the Beijing collection circle that "Shandong people dare to buy fake paintings, while Cantonese people dare to spend big money". In fact, the real investment value of calligraphy and painting collection investment is the long-term investment benefit, and high-level purchase is unable to make long-term investment plans. In order to obtain the unlimited long-term benefits of the appreciation of the collection, first, we should look forward with eyes open, second, we should open our eyes to the world, and third, we should squint and carefully study the works.
3. Third, we should pay attention to quality and quantity, and remember "don't pick up art garbage"
The collection of paintings and calligraphy will surely increase with the passage of time. In the end, those low-quality collections will be mercilessly eliminated. Investors who do not pay attention to quality but rely on quantity to win will lose their money if they do not do well.
4. Fourth, we should attach importance to the individual and light the group. Remember that "one fish should be eaten three times"
Investors must not see the chairman of the board of directors as a first-class painter, and they must carefully study the individual and separate the individual from the group.
5. Fifthly, we should pay more attention to skill than region and remember to "enter the big market"
There are obvious regional differences in investment in calligraphy and painting collection. Rational investors must pay attention to the fact that the value of artistic skills in calligraphy and painting collection investment is gradually increasing, and the regional price difference is gradually narrowing. By abandoning regional and sectarian views and establishing a sense of the big market, we can step on the beat and grasp the opportunities.
In addition, calligraphy and painting investment is the same as other investment behaviors. The basic principle is not to invest beyond one's own ability, but to avoid risks and act according to one's ability. Especially in the initial stage, caution is needed. Follow us http://www.jinandayatang.com Yes, I'll show you more information!