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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心收购名人字画只要掌握这7点就好


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-11-30

Celebrity Calligraphy and painting collection to pay attention to what issues, now people slowly turn to the investment of art, now more and more investment projects, investment environment is more and more hot.
So, the acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting should pay attention to what, today Dayatang Art Museum to tell you, as long as master these 7 points, basically you are half the experts.
Point 1: It refers to the “Appearance”of calligraphy and painting, which is an important factor affecting the value of calligraphy and painting. Buy Ancient Calligraphy and paintings, but also pay attention to the quality phase.
Point 2: The price of famous paintings is not subject to national price constraints, calligraphy and painting market overpriced phenomenon is very common, so the purchase of famous paintings, to understand the market, or please expert gatekeeper, so as not to be deceived.
Point 3: The problem of true or false celebrity calligraphy and painting market in the flood of fakes, when buying name paintings, to ask experts to palm eyes, so as not to buy fake. The surest way is to buy directly from a calligrapher, or from a well-known gallery.
Point 4: The level of the art of celebrity calligraphy and painting is the fundamental factor to measure the value of its collection, celebrity works are not necessarily a masterpiece, such as entertainment, a failure to reflect its due level of art, therefore, celebrity work is not necessarily a boutique.
Point 5: The size of the sale of expensive calligraphy and painting units are refers to the ordinary format, that is, not less than 4 feet 3 open, others to square feet as a unit. Therefore, the larger the work of the same master, the higher its value. A sketch with a width of less than 4 feet 3 will not be as valuable as a regular-format character.
Point 6: Representative of the problem artists are good at the project, such as Qi Baishi Painting Shrimp Crab, Xu Beihong painting horses, Huang Zhou Painting donkeys, Li Keran cattle painting landscape and so on. As far as the writer is concerned, some are good at cursive characters, some are good at regular script, so the acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting to know its value.
Point 7: The sticker problem refers to the quality of the mounting of calligraphy and painting. Pastes the word the craft to be rough, or uneven, is broken, has the crease, or receives the wet pollution and so on. This not only affects the hanging and appreciation of painting, but also endangers the creation of painting and weakens its due value.