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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-11-27

When it comes to celebrity calligraphy and painting, I’m sure there are people who are interested in it, as well as people who know how to do it. Collecting celebrity calligraphy and painting is also a way to preserve the culture left over from the past, it is worth collecting, so how to hang the famous calligraphy and painting at home is also a very important thing, I like to collect, I like to collect, I like to collect things, so how to hang the famous calligraphy and painting at home, is also a very good thing.
The famous landscape painting is suitable for hanging where, now the family purchases the celebrity calligraphy and painting very common choice the famous landscape painting, this is because the landscape painting in the living room on the one hand must borrow the landscape painting to adjust the geomantic omen, the luck enters the treasure. But the landscape painting also can very good outstanding household master’s elegant art taste, as well as own boldness of vision. Below will show you a few landscape paintings in the actual effect of the family.
Gurgling waterfall, smooth water flow indicates the rolling wealth, auspicious clouds around a good luck, high ground, back with mountains, green water, is in line with the Chinese traditional landscape works.
Home Study Jubao painting, as the name suggests, refers to the geomantic accumulation of wealth, the operation of good fortune, whether it is the living room, or the study, peace, auspicious atmosphere, landscape painting magnificent momentum, flowing with the passion of life, beating the charm of life, the mountains and the Earth burst forth poems extolling the spirit of nature. They are Rolling Mountains, the so-called Dragon Mountains. This is a huge mountain range. It is a mountain range with twists and turns. It is a mountain range with twists and turns, it is a symbol of a rich, long-standing business. The waterfall means Circle of Life, which means no water, no money, no money, no money, no money.
The boats on the water represent plain sailing; the trees on the left and right represent fortune-hunting trees on the left and disaster-blocking trees on the right; the two waterfalls have the connotations of having both sources of income on the left and the right and being full of vitality in their undertakings; the mountain behind means to support the mountain, and the top of the mountain is a gold ingot, these two mountains are a pagoda, symbolizing Hongfu and Fulu; for the Z of this mountain in Shandong, many people like to buy famous calligraphy and painting, and some people will show the acquired paintings to everyone, and will tell others what they mean.
For example, some time ago to a friend’s home in Shandong, he is interested in acquiring celebrity calligraphy and painting, this visit is also like his study, a door to see his wall hanging a Red Sun, rising sun, Xiaguang shrouded, auspicious clouds Zhaorui. Walk into a friend’s home and see his yard wall hanging an old couple and frolicking children and a thatched cottage, a symbol of prosperity, family harmony.