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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心如何对名人字画做出合理的估价


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-09-02

很多人在进行名人字画收购的时候,不太了解如何对字画进行一个合理的估价,卖家也担心被人欺骗。其实评估名人字画价 格在其中有着很大的技巧,下面,就让我们一起了解一下吧!
When buying celebrity calligraphy and painting, many people don't know how to make a reasonable valuation of calligraphy and painting, and the seller is also worried about being cheated. In fact, there are great skills in evaluating the price of celebrity calligraphy and painting. Let's learn about it together!
1、字画的艺术程度。普通注重原创及有个人特征,艺术程度高,久负盛名的大名家总要比还处于艺术事业上升期,小有成就的小名家书画价钱高;而小名家则比非名家(包括艺术市场大量创作仅有美 化居家装饰效果,没有什么珍藏价值的行画的书画家)书画价钱高。
1. The artistic level of calligraphy and painting. Generally, great masters who pay attention to originality and have personal characteristics and have a high level of art are always more expensive than small masters who are still in the rising stage of art career and have little achievements; The price of calligraphy and painting of small famous artists is higher than that of non famous artists (including calligraphers and painters who create a large number of paintings in the art market, only beautify the home decoration effect and have no collection value).
2、字画的珍 稀性。普通来说,高程度书画艺术家大多注重修 身养性,不会为世俗所累追逐名利,不会在灵感状态不到位时,刻意大量创作,他们的作品传世量越稀 少就越名贵,正所谓“黄金有价艺无价”就是这个道理。
2. Rarity of calligraphy and painting. Generally speaking, most high-level calligraphy and painting artists pay attention to self-cultivation and will not be tired by the secular world and pursue fame and wealth. They will not deliberately create a large number of works when the inspiration state is not in place. The rarer their works are handed down, the more precious they are. This is the reason why "gold is valuable and art is priceless".
3. The social state of calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy and painting works are high when they are in the state of social and economic prosperity, on the contrary, they are cheap when they are in the state of social and economic depression. When the art market is hype, the price of paintings and paintings will be too high when the bubbles are high. The price of calligraphy and painting is much better when the collector is in good condition than when he is not in good condition.
4. The value of calligraphy and painting works. This includes historical value and artistic value. At present, there is a wrong concept and argument in society that calligraphy and painting with a larger scale are more valuable. In fact, this is absurd. Calligraphy and painting do not buy vegetables in the vegetable market. The larger the size, the better. Often, good calligraphy and painting works do not necessarily have a large scale. For example, fan works in the Song Dynasty have a small scale, but a high artistic level. Some anonymous ancient calligraphy and painting works are also worth collecting because of their high historical and artistic value.
Calligraphy and painting works have a certain market in the art market. If you understand the control, you can reasonably evaluate the price of calligraphy and painting works. Thank you for reading. I hope this issue will be helpful to you!