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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心收购名人字画为您介绍复制书画的几大鉴别方法


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-08-31

Many of the signatures of fake paintings are taken from the signatures of several paintings of the author. The reason is to avoid people finding the basis for their forgery. Such signatures are incoherent and obviously composed of several parts. It is not difficult to find them as long as careful observation.
For calligraphy and paintings that have not been mounted, you can also observe the inscription from the back. For example, when you pause in the middle of a horizontal or vertical line, this paragraph must be false. There is no doubt that as long as people hesitate a little, the nib will leave ink dots on the rice paper. Such ink dots are difficult to see from the front of the painting, but very obvious from the back, Real models rarely leave ink dots.
Whether the signature is consistent or not. If it is not, there must be a problem. The normal signature is connected between words.
Observe from the pen of famous money. How to identify and copy calligraphy and painting? No matter how many forms his famous money has, if he takes out their famous money in different periods for comparison, it is not difficult to find the law of its change. As long as consumers keep observing, seriously think, and ask people and experienced people for advice, they will certainly distinguish between true and false and tell right and wrong.