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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心名人字画鉴定评估去哪比较好?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-08-13

名人字画收藏升 值如何选择,对于我们来说名人字画的收藏一是为了欣赏,陶冶情操,然后就是看中字画的升 值空间所以才进行收藏的,那么对于如今复杂的名人字画收藏市场我们该如何选择,才能做到更好的收益呢?我们需要收藏名家的真迹作品,这是保值的首要条件,而是选择有潜力的字画大 师,因为他们的作品更加受到人们的认可,所以价值也就高了。
How to choose the appreciation of celebrity calligraphy and painting collection? For us, the collection of celebrity calligraphy and painting is to appreciate and cultivate sentiment, and then focus on the appreciation space of calligraphy and painting. So how can we choose for today's complex celebrity calligraphy and painting collection market in order to achieve better income? First of all, we need to collect the authentic works of famous artists, which is the primary condition for preserving value. Instead, we choose potential calligraphy and painting masters, because their works are more recognized by people, so their value is higher.
名人字画收藏升 值选择,我选择当代的中青年画家的字画作品,因为他们的作品更能保证是真迹,价值有了,然后是作品低,适合作为投资,并且优良的当代中青年画家他们的字画升 值潜力更大,下边就给大家一幅适合收藏的当代中青年画家的字画作品。
For the appreciation of celebrity calligraphy and painting collection, I recommend choosing the calligraphy and painting works of excellent contemporary middle-aged and young painters, because their works can better ensure that they are authentic. First, they have value, and then the price of their works is low, which is suitable for investment. Moreover, excellent contemporary middle-aged and young painters have greater appreciation potential, Next, I would like to recommend a calligraphy and painting work of contemporary young and middle-aged painters suitable for collection.
This is an ink landscape painting. The picture shows the towering mountains in spring, the Banqiao of streams, the houses like tall pines and weeping willows. The sparse goodness looks silently in the fresh air. Every plant and tree on the mountain is particularly vibrant, full of ink and poetry. The clumsy and dignified pen and ink and landscape modeling in the painting have the lines of early rising literati painting. It can be seen from Mr. Hong's pen that he has been tempered for a long time and found a formal language beyond the general imagination, so as to approach the content that needs to be expressed. He textured the shapes of the houses and trees in the painting with a pen. It not only adds the connotation and ornamental value of the picture. Also integrated into his rich emotions, an old man on a boat by the river was quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.
Technically speaking, the graceful tree shape and the concise outline of mountains and stones form a sharp contrast, and complexity and simplicity complement each other. It not only reflects the wonderful use of pen, but also increases the interest of painting. This is an ink landscape painting. The picture shows the towering mountains in spring, the Banqiao of streams, the houses like tall pines and weeping willows. The sparse goodness looks silently in the fresh air. Every plant and tree on the mountain is particularly vibrant, full of ink and poetry.
The clumsy and dignified pen and ink and landscape modeling in the painting have the lines of early rising literati painting. It can be seen from Mr. Hong's pen that he has been tempered for a long time and found a formal language beyond the general imagination, so as to approach the content that needs to be expressed. He textured the shapes of the houses and trees in the painting with a pen.
It not only adds the connotation and ornamental value of the picture. Also integrated into his rich emotions, an old man on a boat by the river was quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait. Technically speaking, the graceful tree shape and the concise outline of mountains and stones form a sharp contrast, and complexity and simplicity complement each other. It not only reflects the wonderful use of pen, but also increases the interest of painting.