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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心济南收购字画:字画保存五要点


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-08-12

Improper storage of calligraphy and painting is caused by various factors, such as temperature difference caused by seasonal change, unevenness of dry and wet, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, pollution of ambient air dust, etc., resulting in moth eaten, mildew, fading and other phenomena, making a complete calligraphy and painting beyond recognition and losing its artistic value. If we understand the weakness that calligraphy and painting are easy to be damaged and take some effective preventive measures, we will delay the aging and damage process to a certain extent, so as to prolong the service life of calligraphy and painting and maintain its original appearance.
1. Flip frequently and check frequently
放在箱、橱、柜内的字画除放药外,还要做到勤翻动,及时清 除不洁之物。每隔半年左右就要展开看看,特别是梅雨季节过去之后,能分批将字画取出来挂几天这称为“晾画”,这样能有用地防止字画生霉。
In addition to medicine, the calligraphy and paintings placed in boxes, cabinets and cabinets should be turned frequently to remove unclean things in time. It should be carried out every six months or so. Especially after the plum rain season, the calligraphy and painting can be taken out and hung in batches for a few days. This is called "painting drying", which can effectively prevent the calligraphy and painting from mildew.
2. Humidity control and mildew prevention
Mold is easy to reproduce under wet, warm and dark conditions. Therefore, the storage space of calligraphy and painting should be kept at about 14 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ and the relative humidity should be 50 ~ 60%. Because the indoor relative humidity is high, it is easy to cause the paper to be damp and grow mold. If it is too dry, it is easy to cause the warpage and embrittlement of calligraphy and painting. When the weather is dry, ordinary families can often use wet mop to mop the floor, or put basin water in the room. When the weather is wet, especially in the rainy season, open fewer windows as far as possible, so that the humidity of the room can be controlled accordingly.
3. Avoid direct sunlight and hang it in turn
The characters hung outside for a long time will be exposed to the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, which will fade the color of calligraphy and painting, blur the handwriting, and cause the aging and brittleness of fibers. Therefore, generally do not hang precious calligraphy and paintings in the hall for a long time, let alone on the wall directly exposed to solar energy. It should be hung for a period of time and then collected. If there are a large number of calligraphy and paintings, it can be hung in turn. In this way, it can not only expand the different styles of calligraphy and paintings, appreciate excellent works, but also delay the aging and discoloration process.
4. Small dust is easy to leave spots
Dust is also one of the great enemies of calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy and paintings hung on the wall or stored in boxes and cabinets will also be affected by dust. When small dust sticks to the surface of calligraphy and paintings and meets a certain humidity, it can become unclean small particles. When the water of small particles evaporates, spots will be left on the picture.
5. Multi protection and light action
In addition, we should also pay attention to the protection of calligraphy and painting. When appreciating and watching, don't touch the picture with your fingers and saliva. When unfolding and winding, don't break the painting and leave creases. Because the collected calligraphy and paintings become brittle and easy to break due to age, generally don't do it casually. You must be extra careful in the actions of closing, taking, rolling and hanging.