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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心济南字画回收行规你是否都已经了解?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-07-30

Many collectors who buy celebrity calligraphy and painting are often impulsive when they see a glimmer of hope. The calligraphy and painting acquisition market is mixed. Many rules are difficult for laymen to enter the market if they do not understand. Here are some rules that are known to knowledgeable people in the celebrity calligraphy and painting acquisition industry, If you understand these, you can be more like a duck to water when you buy in the market and collect your favorite works.
一:名人字画的价 格,有喜欢的作品或者自己手上有名家作品,但是有人说价值连城,有人却说不值一文,到底该如何判断自己手上的作品价 格呢?这个要求一定要多问,特别是有熟悉的生意人,他们给的意见一般都很可靠,因为是朋友,骗的可能性就少很多了。
1: The price of celebrity calligraphy and painting, there are favorite works or famous works in your hand, but some say they are priceless, while others say they are worthless. How can you judge the price of your works? This requirement must be asked more, especially if there are familiar businessmen. Their opinions are generally very reliable. Because they are friends, they are much less likely to cheat.
2: True and false, many works are not carefully checked when they are bought, or they think they are true, but now there are many fake people in the market. There are many works. We must see and analyze them more. We can't rely on the first feeling. When we are not sure, we should ask more friends and listen to their opinions. We'd rather not do it than buy fake goods.
3: Don't be biased. If there are more people watching works in the market, there will be disputes over whether they are true or false. Some say it's true, some say it's false, some say it's cheap, and some say it's expensive. Everyone's point of view is different, and their love for works is also different, so the standards are much worse. You should have your own opinions. It doesn't matter if you like works that are more expensive, and it's hard to buy them with money.
The above are some rules about the acquisition of calligraphy and painting introduced by Xiaobian. I hope it can help you. More exciting content can be directly concerned http://www.jinandayatang.com