

联系: 董先生

手机: 13583109180

电话: 13791043729


邮箱: 927423163@qq.com

地址: 济南市历下区,舜耕路6-1号(泉城公园东门北行50米路东)


您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心名人字画回收不得不考虑的几点


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-06-04

(1) Artistic skills: the basic knowledge and skills of a painter in our country can be summarized as learning from the ancients and learning from nature. A successful artist must have profound conservative skills, be able to understand the ancients, be deeply conservative, and widely absorb the advantages of other artists before he can develop
(2) Strong personality: the best way to learn from the past and the present is to create your own style better. If you don't eat the past, you will lose yourself. Any famous painter in history has a strong personality
(3) Wide range of painting: our national painting is divided into 13 branches, which can also work in landscape, flowers and birds, figures, animals and other fields, plus calligraphy, seal cutting, literary cultivation, etc., its products can make people want and love everything
(4) Great changes: art is valued in seeking novelty, novelty and change. In addition to these opportunities, how much a painter can produce can also affect its price, Whether the age is long-term or not is also an important factor to determine the economic value of the collection. Generally speaking, the longer the history is, the more valuable the collection will be. Naturally, this is not certain. Sometimes there are opposite examples
如果您对字画收藏感兴趣或是有字画想出 售,在此为您大雅堂,专心为您解答。大雅堂是专门从事名人字画收购、收购字画、名人字画回收,大雅堂名人字画回收常年开展名家书画作品回收业务。
If you are interested in calligraphy and painting collection or want to sell calligraphy and painting, I'd like to recommend Da Ya Tang to you and give you an answer. Da Ya Tang is specialized in the acquisition, purchase and recycling of famous calligraphy and painting. Da Ya Tang carries out the recycling business of famous calligraphy and painting works all year round.