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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心名人字画回收告诉你国画定制都有哪些注意事项?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-06-02

Traditional Chinese painting has a history of thousands of years. As an important part of traditional culture, traditional Chinese painting has been integrated into the aesthetic gene of our country. Therefore, many people like traditional Chinese painting in our country. Traditional Chinese painting customization has existed since ancient times. Now, with the improvement of the national living standard, cultural level and aesthetic level, more and more people have customized traditional Chinese painting. So what should we pay attention to in the customization of traditional Chinese painting? Celebrity calligraphy and painting recycling to introduce.
1、 The theme and style should be determined in the customization of traditional Chinese painting
There are many subjects of traditional Chinese painting, such as landscape painting, flower and bird painting, animal painting and figure painting, and there are many kinds of small ones. Everything in the world can be painted. Therefore, the first step in the customization of traditional Chinese painting is to determine the theme. From the technical points, there are fine brushwork, freehand brushwork, and so on. From the style of works, there are elegant ink, splashing ink heavy color and so on. Therefore, the theme and style of traditional Chinese painting customization should be determined, and the scope of choice should be limited.
2、 The psychological price should be determined in the customization of traditional Chinese painting.
每一位画家,他的作品销售 是不同的,所以国画定制要确定心理价位。然后根据自己的心理价位才选择适合的画家定制国画作品。
Every painter, his work sales is different, so Chinese painting customization to determine the psychological price. Then according to their own psychological price to choose suitable artists to customize Chinese painting works.
3、 Reliable channel for Chinese painting customization
Sometimes the customization of traditional Chinese painting can be directly connected with the painter, sometimes it can not be connected with the painter himself. When the traditional Chinese painting customization cannot directly contact the painter himself, it is necessary to choose a reliable channel. How to choose customized channel? The first is to find friends through the circle of friends, the second is to go to the local art market gallery and other places to customize, and the third is to choose a reliable network platform through the Internet.
在此我建议选择知名度高的网络平台。为什么这样讲呢?,朋友圈没有商业氛围,朋友介绍朋友,如果关系绕三四层,就没有朋友情谊了,也缺少商业信誉,可靠度并不高, 价位也不会低,时效性也会变差。
Here, I suggest to choose a well-known network platform. Why do you say that? First of all, there is no business atmosphere in the circle of friends. If friends introduce friends, if the relationship goes around three or four levels, there will be no friendship and lack of business reputation. The reliability is not high, the price will not be low, and the timeliness will be poor.
Besides galleries, most of the galleries can't directly contact the painters for their sales. Most of the painters' works are also obtained through circulation channels. Moreover, galleries are an opaque sales environment. It's OK to buy from stock. Customization is not recommended. Well known network platform, there are many co artists, and the price is unified and transparent on the network. And if a network platform wants to operate for a long time, the first thing to pay attention to is reputation. So I suggest choosing a reliable network platform for Chinese painting customization.