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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心夏季字画防潮防虫小妙招


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-05-14

Because most of the calligraphy and painting works are painted on rice paper, which makes the paper works difficult to preserve and easy to damage, and especially affected by the season. Especially in the rainy season, we must pay attention to the maintenance of calligraphy and painting works. If calligraphy and painting works are affected by moisture, they are easy to fade and deteriorate, which will greatly reduce the quality of calligraphy and painting works.
How to do a good job in the collection of calligraphy and painting has become a problem of concern to the collectors of calligraphy and painting. In order to help calligraphy and painting lovers do a better job in the summer of moisture-proof calligraphy and painting work, the following Dabu painting garden for you to introduce the summer calligraphy and painting moisture-proof insect prevention tips.
In summer, it is rainy and the air humidity is high. Calligraphy and painting are easy to be eroded by mold. The humid air will change the physical structure of paper and silk. At this time, it is better to roll up the calligraphy and painting works and seal them in a narrow wooden box or plastic bag to avoid moisture and mold. In addition, some moth proof drugs such as camphor pills can be put in the bag to prevent beetles.
If the calligraphy and painting have been affected with damp, the works with light damp can be placed on the flat table covered with felt, and the indoor temperature can be adjusted to 22 ℃ to 25 ℃ to dry slowly; For the works that are seriously affected by damp or rain, it is necessary to consider re mounting, cleaning the spots left on the works, and returning the original appearance of the works.
Through the introduction of Xiaobian, I believe you have a certain understanding of the moisture-proof methods of calligraphy and painting.