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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-05-12

With the economic development of the times, the upsurge of stock and real estate investment has faded, more and more people begin to invest in the collection of calligraphy and painting, but the field of calligraphy and painting collection is also mixed, how should we invest in the collection of calligraphy and painting? Here is a brief list of the five basic standards for the acquisition of calligraphy and painting. I hope that the majority of Tibetans will read them carefully and help you.
1、 The level of calligraphy
Zhang Ding, an older generation artist, once called for "keeping the bottom line of traditional Chinese painting", which is calligraphy. Calligraphy table in today's traditional Chinese painting, one is the calligraphy pen, the other is the artistic beauty of postscript writing. Traditional Chinese painting pays attention to the use of calligraphy brush, and "painting with calligraphy" is the constant pursuit of ancient painters in theory and practice“ "Bone brush" refers to calligraphy brush. Su Dongpo, Ni Zan, Xu Wei and Huang Binhong are all masters of painting with calligraphy. Calligraphy is an art that needs to be practiced for many years. The writer should be calm. Nowadays, many painters do not pay attention to the practice of calligraphy, nor do they pay attention to the brush and ink. As a result, the paintings do not have the charm of brush and ink, and even dare not drop money. Such works or artists are not potential stocks. For the same works, those with longer inscriptions and postscripts are more valuable than those with poor funds.
2、 Is there any academic support
No words, no deeds. The academic level of a calligrapher and painter will affect the depth and sustainability of his creation. Theory guides theory, which is one of the reasons why the ancients wanted to read ten thousand volumes of books. Through reading, creation and communication, I have formed a theoretical system or a common perspective of art for a long time, which is of great significance to the growth of artists.
3、 The artistic level of the work itself
The artistic level of the work itself is the main factor to weigh its value. This involves three situations of calligraphy and painting: scenery situation, brush and ink situation and humanistic situation. A work's own description of mountains and rivers is the situation of scenery. We can see its technique, beauty of scenery and wonderful planning. If on the basis of the scenery, there is a "pen fine ink wonderful" pen and ink situation, it is better. Our country's landscape painting obtains its masculine beauty by using the pen to take the Qi, and obtains its feminine beauty by using the ink to take the halo. The subtlety of the brush and ink can produce the aura, and the vivid aura is the highest level of the painting. The humanistic situation of calligraphy and painting works can be expressed in the theme, painting purport, painting interest, poetry postscript and so on.