

联系: 董先生

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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心名人字画的展阅方式有什么注意的?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-03-29

Celebrity calligraphy and painting refers to the calligraphy or painting works of a certain artistic level made by people with a certain reputation or social status. For the celebrity calligraphy and painting purchasers, they need to often display the works they are going to purchase. If they don't pay attention to the display method in the purchase, it will cause great damage to the celebrity calligraphy and painting. So what should we pay attention to in the exhibition of celebrity calligraphy and painting? Let's introduce it to you.
1. The hand roll is on the desk. The surface of the desk should be clean. The dust should be removed and the filth should be wiped off. The ink bottle should be kept away from the desk.
2. When unfolding, the tapers and other pieces should be smoothly placed on the head of the bag, and then the big female fingers of both hands should be inside and the four fingers should be outside. The tapers should be unfolded and rolled as they unfold. The two fingers should not touch the picture to prevent the undeveloped part of the end of the roll from falling to the ground.
3. When rewinding, both hands should adjust the angle at any time. When the roll is finished, one hand should hold the outer pole, and the hand roll should be placed vertically on the table, and the other hand should press the palm on the side to roll the picture tightly.
The above is about the exhibition method of celebrity calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy and painting in antiques belong to a particularly delicate category. Its value lies in that it is a pure art, and some famous people's calligraphy and paintings are rare treasures. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the exhibition of celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. If you need celebrity calligraphy and painting, you can contact us at any time!