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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心济南字画收购的行规清楚吗?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-03-26

Many collectors who buy famous calligraphy and paintings tend to be impulsive when they see a glimmer of hope. The market for calligraphy and paintings is a mixture of good and bad. It's hard for laymen to enter the market if they don't understand many rules. Here are some potential rules that are well known in the celebrity calligraphy and painting purchasing industry. After understanding these rules, you can be more like a fish when you buy in the market Get water, collect your favorite works.
1: The price of famous people's calligraphy and paintings, there are works that they like or have famous works on their hands, but some people say that they are very valuable, while others say that they are not worth a cent. How to judge the price of their own works? This request must be asked more, especially for familiar businessmen, whose opinions are generally very reliable, because they are friends, so they are much less likely to cheat.
2: It's true or false. When buying many works, you don't check them carefully, or you think they are true. But now there are many people who make fake works in the market. They have to watch and analyze many works. They can't rely on the first feeling. When they're not sure, they have to ask their friends and listen to their opinions. They would rather not do them than buy fake ones.
3: Don't be partial to listening and believing. There are more people on the market to see the works, and there will be disputes between the true and the false. Some people say it's true, some say it's false, some say it's cheap, and some say it's expensive. Everyone's views are different, and their love for the works is also different. Therefore, the standard is much worse. We should have our own opinions. It doesn't matter that the works we like are more expensive. It's hard to buy them with money.