

联系: 董先生

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地址: 济南市历下区,舜耕路6-1号(泉城公园东门北行50米路东)


您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心济南收购字画需要掌握知识有哪些?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2018-01-31

With the rapid development of economy, more and more people into the ranks of the investment of famous paintings, a collection of celebrity pictures, can cheer, edify sentiment, adjust the feng shui, on the other hand can bring great benefits to their own space.
The first thing to do is to go to dust. Before the collection of celebrity calligraphy and painting, it is better to dust the surface of celebrity calligraphy and painting, prevent dust from entering the celebrity's calligraphy and painting, and prevent moldy or pollution and moth eaten from the spindle. For celebrities and paintings, we should pay attention to the dust falling in the silk stitch. We must be patient to remove it. Otherwise, the life of celebrity calligraphy and paintings will be shortened if we get wet.
Second to seal. Those who collect celebrities and calligraphy and paintings are best able to wrap celebrities and pictures in kraft paper and put them into boxes or cabinets with good sealing performance, while camphor blocks and other insect repellent products are placed at the corner of the box to prevent moth eaten. Add the good water absorption Duzhi, is insurable celebrity calligraphy calligraphy to extend the life of safe and sound.
Third to prevent moisture. In summer, the weather is wet, the collection of celebrity calligraphy friends of Tibet should pay more attention to this point. Choose not to damp walls hung in the room, and avoid the water vapor, moisture prevention usually attached to the famous paintings on.
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