

联系: 董先生

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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心收购名人字画的要素


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2018-01-29

With the improvement of cultural quality, calligraphy and painting are more and more popular, and the trade of celebrities and calligraphy and painting is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, calligraphy and painting acquisition industry is also concerned, in order to meet people better acquaintances, small compiled for the friends of calligraphy and painting about the acquisition of Ji'nan calligraphy and painting of the elements.
1, multi expert advice. Who is good at this can be called experts, listen to the opinions of experts, to help you improve eyesight.
2, more than the force. The key is to identify the authenticity of comparison, there is no identification, so often encounter fake, can take the original with the comparison, from the search to false traces.
3, how to know the trick. In order to improve the authenticity of the eye, do not know zuoweizhe. No, from the market point of view, this is all kinds of tricks, giddy.
4. Look at the original. To see more famous works of each period met the painter's artworks, paper, ink, color, brushwork, seal, inscription etc..
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