

联系: 董先生

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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯名人字画收购回收的详细过程


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-04-13

The acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting is a very complex and professional field that requires a certain amount of knowledge and experience. In addition, the detailed process of celebrity calligraphy and painting acquisition may vary depending on different recycling institutions, but generally includes the following steps:
1. Appraisal: Jinan's acquisition of calligraphy and painting institutions will dispatch professional appraisers to authenticate celebrity calligraphy and painting, including the authenticity of the work, the identity of the author, and the dissemination of the work. The appraisal process may take some time to ensure the authenticity and value of the work.
2. Evaluation value: Based on the appraisal results and market conditions, the recycling agency will evaluate the value of celebrity calligraphy and paintings and provide the owner with a recycling price. The factors considered for evaluating value include celebrity identity, work circulation, the story behind the work, market demand, and so on.
3. Signing an agreement: If both parties reach an agreement on the recycling price, the recycling agency will sign a recycling agreement with the owner, clarifying the recycling price, recycling method, confidentiality agreement, and other matters. The recycling agreement usually includes basic information such as the owner's name, address, contact information, as well as the certificate and invoice of the work.
4. Acquisition and Payment: After signing the recycling agreement, the recycling agency will pay the recycling price and acquire the work. If the work is attached to a fixed location such as a wall, the recycling agency will dispatch professional personnel to disassemble it to ensure that the work is not damaged. After the acquisition, the recycling agency will carefully store and maintain celebrity calligraphy and paintings.
It should be noted that for the acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and paintings, it is necessary to choose a reputable and legally qualified recycling agency, and sign a detailed recycling agreement with the recycling agency to ensure the rights and interests of both parties. At the same time, as the owner, we should maintain cooperation integrity, cooperate with the recycling agency to handle relevant procedures, and avoid disputes due to incomplete information or other factors. If you have any further needs, please feel free to come to our website at any time http://www.jinandayatang.com consulting service