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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-03-23

Acquisition of calligraphy and painting is an investment activity that refers to the purchase of artists' calligraphy and painting works in the hope of obtaining profits in the future. So what do you need to know before purchasing calligraphy and painting investments? The following is an analysis of the acquisition of calligraphy and painting personnel in Jinan:
Identification of authenticity: When purchasing calligraphy and painting, it is necessary to first consider the authenticity of the work and avoid purchasing counterfeits or counterfeits. Therefore, certain identification skills and professional knowledge are required. You can seek professional appraisal institutions or expert appraisal opinions.
Research works: Before purchasing calligraphy and painting, it is necessary to fully study the target works. For example, learn about the author's life, historical background, artistic style, and the creation age, theme, and techniques of the work. This helps to assess the value of the work and its future trends.
Purchase channels: There are many channels for purchasing calligraphy and paintings, such as art auctions, galleries, art trading platforms, and private collections. Reliable channels need to be selected to avoid fraud or losses.
Price Evaluation: When purchasing calligraphy and painting, it is necessary to evaluate the price. The size of the price is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the quality of the work, its rarity, market demand, and so on. You can refer to historical transaction prices, market conditions, expert evaluation opinions, etc. to determine the reasonable price of the work.
Maintenance: After purchasing calligraphy and painting, maintenance is required. For example, avoid direct sunlight, prevent moisture and insects, and regularly change display locations. This helps to maintain the artistic and collection value of the work.
In short, the acquisition of calligraphy and painting requires attention to the authenticity of the work, research work, selection of reliable channels, price evaluation, maintenance, and other issues. For beginners, it is necessary to continuously learn and accumulate to improve their identification ability and investment perspective. More things come to us http://www.jinandayatang.com Consult!