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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-03-04

Whether you want to increase the indoor air freshness and broaden your mind and style; Whether you want to increase your enthusiasm for life, improve the geomantic omen and pray for good luck In a tasteful home, there are few exquisite paintings and calligraphy works of famous artists. So why should we hang calligraphy and painting at home? Shandong's acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting personnel will explain the truth to you.
1. Patchwork
The four-white decoration is too monotonous. Hanging a calligraphy and painting can not only fill the wall and enhance the color, beautify the home, but also add some poetic and picturesque meaning to the family life, break the boring tone and inject vitality. In addition, some rooms that lack sunlight are prone to depression after being in them for a long time, and must be remedied. For example, hanging sunflower pictures on the dark wall of the home, taking the meaning of "Sunflower is easy to spring", can make up for the defects in lighting.
2. Set off the elegance and connotation of the host
While appreciating and enjoying the beauty of art, we should cultivate our moral integrity. Landscape painting is the habitat of busy mind. Reading often can not only understand the natural way of the unity of nature and man, but also improve the life taste and self-cultivation of the host in the home. The mountains are tall, thick, broad-minded, breeding and containing flowers, trees, birds and animals. Looking up at the mountains, people are so small!
Water, flexible and low-key, cultivates all things, and is hated by all people without fighting. Look at the stream water, how ugly people are! Landscape painting is an artistic portrayal of natural beauty. It is a combination of opposites and unity between high and low, large and small, rigid and soft. People are only a small and negligible part of nature. Therefore, people should integrate into nature and fear nature.
3. Enhance the look of the home and regulate the family feng shui
In fact, the seemingly lifeless calligraphy and painting also have the Qi of the five elements, which has a certain aura and can play a certain role in the compensation of feng shui. For example, the five elements of landscape painting belong to water. People who lack water in the five elements hang a landscape painting at home, which must be a good choice. The ancients Yunshan managed the people, the people and the money; It is also said that benevolent people love mountains and wise people enjoy water; The mountains are reliable, and the running water makes money. These will also play a role in boosting good fortune and improving feng shui.
4. Create rich atmosphere and improve fortune
For example, calligraphy with auspicious and good wishes, and peony paintings symbolizing prosperity and wealth are used as the nave of the home and hung in the living room in order to make things more beautiful and prosperous, which is one of the layout methods of a good home. For example, the peony map is placed in the south of the home. This layout will promote the prosperity of the nine purple fortune stars on the geomantic omen in the past two decades.
5. Delightful and inspiring
For example, the "pleasant" characteristics, pure atmosphere and romantic feelings of flower and bird paintings will make people clean up their minds, forget the mundane, and restore innocence and optimism. Another example is a beautiful brush calligraphy work, which will give people a sense of simplicity, elegance and decency. Some classical poems and famous Chinese and foreign articles are inspiring and some teach people integrity. It is refreshing to sit down and enjoy in leisure time.
6. Value added and handed down
Calligraphy and painting, especially celebrity calligraphy and painting, like gold and other scarce mineral resources, are non-renewable and precious resources. Even the classic works of contemporary famous calligraphers and painters also have great appreciation space and collection value.
So now you understand why some people hang some celebrity paintings and calligraphy in their homes. You can contact us at any time if you need http://www.jinandayatang.com consulting service