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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-11-10

In the home environment, many people will choose some calligraphy and paintings to hang in the study when decorating the study. Because the study is not only a place for the family to study and work, it can also reflect the owner's self-restraint and feelings. So if you hang a calligraphy and painting in the study, what kind of painting is suitable for hanging in the study? Today, Shandong acquired celebrity calligraphy and painting personnel to summarize some strategies for your study hanging painting selection.
Selection of hanging pictures suitable for study
The choice of hanging pictures in the study is more broad. The study pays attention to the light sense of space, and the colors of decorative paintings should be elegant and bright. Don't hang some decorative paintings whose colors are too hot and jumping, so as not to distract your energy and go against learning and reading. Chinese traditional freehand landscape painting is popular.
Selection of hanging pictures suitable for study II
Landscape painting is also a good choice for hanging paintings in the study, which can set off the atmosphere of high mountains and flowing water. At the same time, it can also help us relax our body and mind after work, with less restlessness and more peace of mind. The choice of landscape painting can be mountains and rivers with magnificent momentum, or small bridges and flowing water with ease and comfort, which can create different study styles.


Selection of hanging pictures suitable for study
Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are also suitable for hanging in the study. As a gentleman among flowers, they have qualities and personalities that we should learn from. Among them, you may consider the bamboo landscape painting. It has both the elegant and elegant landscape and the noble quality of bamboo, which is very suitable for painting in the study.
Selection of hanging pictures suitable for study IV
In geomantic omen, it is important to hang pictures in the study on the "Wenchang position", which is also called the smart position. In the north, it is called the Eight Games Wenchang position. Hanging pictures on this position can help your academic or career development. The hanging paintings can be the traditional Chinese paintings of Mount Tai, which symbolize the rising of the cause.
What kind of painting is suitable for the study? After reading the above introduction, I wonder if you have any score in mind. The selection strategy of hanging pictures in the study described above is only for reference, and the final plan is of course decided by you who are smart. Come to our website for more information http://www.jinandayatang.com consulting service