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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯初涉字画投资者的眼光是否准确更为重要


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-07-28

For investors who are new to calligraphy and painting, it is necessary to improve their artistic cultivation. Compared with jades, gemstones, etc., calligraphy and painting do not cost much in creation, only paper, pens, pigments, etc., and all the value comes from art itself. Therefore, whether the investment vision is accurate or not is more important.
In this regard, there are really not many skills to speak of. People's understanding of art comes from their nature and talent. If they have to find a certain technology, the author can only suggest participating in more art exhibitions, understanding the context of art from the "popular trend", and communicating more with big collectors to learn their ways of investment.
In addition, in terms of investment channels, the works of deceased celebrities and masters can be transferred by auction houses or other collectors. It should be noted that works of art, such as calligraphy, painting and antiques, are relatively orderly in the collection circle. For example, in many ancient calligraphy and painting in China, we can see the inscriptions and seals on them by collectors who have done so before.
Foreign artworks will be better, mainly because the auction and transfer mechanisms of foreign artworks are relatively strict and standardized. However, there have been generations in China's collection, and many people can't prove the source of the collection, so it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity. From this point of view, it is not recommended for beginners to intervene.
Contemporary living artists, on the other hand, have better choose to buy their works from professional art institutions, such as galleries or some art exhibitions. On the one hand, professional art institutions do not simply act as intermediaries to sell paintings, but undertake the functions of publicizing and managing painters. These institutions sign brokerage contracts with artists they think have potential through professional artistic vision, and then continue to publicize through their own mature channels.
Jinan's acquisition of calligraphy and painting believes that from a certain perspective, it also ensures the continuous appreciation of works, and is more guaranteed in terms of investment. Now many artists are also aware of this, so many times, for the same artist, the works bought in the gallery are cheaper than those directly bought in the artist's studio, which also shows that artists also want buyers to participate in this maturation mechanism.
Note that if you want to collect and invest in celebrity calligraphy and paintings, the plan you make should be as detailed as possible, indicating the market list of a painter's price rise or fall in different periods of time, as well as the general trend of the price of the whole group of painters, understanding the trend of market development and development trend, and determining your short-term, medium-term or long-term investment plan, etc. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.jinandayatang.com Consult.