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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯字画收藏之尺寸大小的讲解


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-06-30

Many friends who enter the collection of calligraphy and painting or the trading of calligraphy and painting may encounter such a problem, that is, they know how much the Runge of a contemporary famous calligraphy and painting writer is, but they really don't know how much the Runge is, and how much they spend to buy calligraphy and painting works? I believe many friends will have such questions and troubles. In fact, there are some conventional conversion methods between the "form" and "ruler" of calligraphy and painting works.
Simply put, you can remember that the creation of calligraphy and painting is inseparable from rice paper. The specification of rice paper is three feet (5 square feet), four feet is 8 square feet, five feet corresponds to 11 square feet, six feet is 16 square feet, and eight feet is 16 square feet. There are also some ancient calligraphy and painting of fixed size. Three foot full open: 100x55, three foot single strip: 100x27, three foot square: 55x50, four foot full open: 138x69, four foot single strip: 138x34, four foot square: 69x68, four foot three open: 69x46, four foot four open: 69x34, four foot six open: 46x34, four foot eight open: 35x34, five foot full open: 153x84, five foot single strip: 153x42, five foot square: 84x77, six foot full open: 180x97, six foot three open: 97x60, six foot square: 97x90, seven foot full open on: 238x129, Eight foot full open: 248x129, eight foot screen: 234x53, one foot two feet: 367x144, one foot six feet: 503x193, one foot eight feet: 600x248
If you can't get the specific size of the calligraphy and paintings you want to collect from the above information, you can calculate according to the formula (length CMX width cm) x0.0009= square foot. For example, the current unit of measurement for calligraphy and painting is the city square. According to the number of yuan per square meter of face value, the unit of steel tape we use is the meter. After the measurement, two decimal places shall be reserved. For example, panxilin's work is a 4-foot full scale propaganda of 1.36 m x0.68 m, 18000 yuan per square foot. The formula brought in is 1.36x0.68x9=8.32 (ruler) x18000=1487600 yuan.
The staff who bought celebrity calligraphy and painting thought that if you want to collect a teacher's works, you can probably know the above knowledge. The amount of money spent and the size of the collection of calligraphy and painting works can be used to select works corresponding to the painter's Runge.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://www.jinandayatang.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.