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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯餐馆可以挂什么书画体现格调?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-04-26

  In order to reflect refined and style, retain customers, restaurants will hang some hanging pictures to foil this atmosphere. Choose some Geely calligraphy and painting to create a natural and relaxed dining environment. So what calligraphy and painting can be hung in restaurants to reflect style?
  You can choose some calligraphy or fruit and vegetable painting and calligraphy, because the restaurant is generally based on bright colors, hanging these can be a good way to increase some appetite and its implication is also better. Even if the environment is good, the food has to keep people's stomachs.
  Choosing your favorite food in a beautiful restaurant can be a pleasant experience and boost your sense of well-being. A restaurant should have its own main dish, which is different from other places and should have its own characteristics. Each of the eight major cuisines has its own uniqueness. Each place should have its own specialties. Only by focusing on the perfection of a dish can it retain more repeat customers.
  Restaurants pay attention to hanging calligraphy and painting, in terms of the size of hanging pictures, restaurant seat layout is relatively compact, it is not suitable to choose larger size works, appropriate three feet square, four feet square, three feet banner, four feet vertical, hanging on the wall can often play the finishing touch effect.
  Ji 'nan acquisition of calligraphy and painting staff believe that the location of the restaurant calligraphy and painting is generally in the middle of the wall beside the table. When eating, because they are sitting down, the height of the painting should not be too high, so that the lower edge of the painting is parallel to the line of sight when standing.
  Hang the restaurant's calligraphy and painting, and more generally to grape, cabbage, peony, year after year more fruits and vegetables such as Chinese paintings, this kind of material of calligraphy and painting depicting nature flower-and-bird insect fish, relaxed and comfortable, can enhance appetite, not only with the meaning of auspicious blessings, the view is easier to let person mind relax, also is to let people know that food has not come easily.
  What calligraphy and painting can be hung in a restaurant to reflect style? The above is the related content of the problem, you can use it as a reference, of course, more matters needing attention are needed to know, might as well come to our website www.jinandayatang.com to consult.