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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯收购名人字画之字画装不装裱的问题


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-03-31

  Excellent calligraphy and painting mounted pieces have the characteristics of beautiful shape, straight, soft and long preservation life. So after the acquisition or collection, many people will have such a question: should celebrity calligraphy and painting be mounted? Let's analyze it.
  With the development of modern science and technology, there are two kinds of painting and calligraphy mounting technology: one is manual mounting, that is, manual mounting, the other is machine mounting, referred to as machine mounting.
  The traditional installation process is manual installation. The quality of mounting techniques determines the ornamental value and long-term preservation of famous calligraphy and painting works. Mounting calligraphy and painting is like "dressing up" calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy and painting are usually painted or written on rice paper, while some calligraphy and painting works use fragile bamboo paper or very thin cotton paper, or cooked paper, cooked silk and other paper with too much glue. Materials can not be preserved naturally for a long time, and need to be mounted in time, that is, to put clothes on the painting and calligraphy, otherwise the probability of damage to the painting and calligraphy is very high.
  Formal manual mounting needs more than ten processes, such as paste making, heart support, underwear support, color paper support, square heart, blanking, sealing and so on (different schools of methods and processes are different). Usually what we call the binding refers to the binding of traditional handmade calligraphy and painting by masters.
  In the current painting and calligraphy mounting market, there is also a common modern science and technology mounting process machine mounting, which is the so-called machine mounting. The adhesive material used for machine mounting is chemical adhesive film (similar to double-sided adhesive film), which is very destructive to famous calligraphy and painting works. Framework. At present, domestic professional exhibitions and standardized auctions have stopped collecting the works of chemical membrane machine.
  Celebrity calligraphy and painting is not to say that can not be mounted, try not to use machine mounted. Chemical film used for machine mounting is a kind of damage to calligraphy and painting. Each piece of calligraphy and painting, over time, naturally need to be re-mounted. If the traditional mounting method is used, it can be re-mounted without damaging the quality of the picture. Mounted, but if mounted by machine, the shelf life of the painting is worried. Therefore, when mounting famous calligraphy and painting, we must make a good choice, especially precious calligraphy and painting must be mounted.
  For this question, I hope the above answers can help you. People come to our website http://www.jinandayatang.com for more details content consulting!