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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-04-25

1、 The collection of calligraphy and painting has been an elegant event since ancient times. The collection of calligraphy and painting is an elegant art of collection. Usually, people who are compared with literature and art will collect calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy and painting are both internal and external. Through calligraphy and painting, we can see his nature, his behavior, and his literary self-cultivation. Therefore, a well-known painting is indispensable for a family with good taste!
The composition of this painting is magnificent and unique. In the painting, you can see the mountains rising and falling in the distance. The mountains and rocks are extremely steep, with thick and prosperous forests.
The river is full of rough waves, which seems to be brought into the picture, rippling on it leisurely, playing the jade flute comfortably, and the moving sound of the flute overflows on the river. Under the cliff, the pines are magnificent, and a steep stone path winds through the courtyard between the dense forests. The houses are simple, and it seems to be out of the world in the mountains. The whole painting is broad-minded and lofty, quiet but wild, detached from the common hermit feelings, and on the paper, the heart is full of fascination. The brush and ink are thick and solid; The level of ink is clear, withered and ingenious, changing nature; The color is rich, bright and attractive; The artistic conception of the whole painting is broad-minded and lofty, revealing the unrestrained, free and complacent feelings. The style of this work is extraordinary. It is a good work for collection and appreciation.
2、 Contrast the master's elegance and connotation, room elegant why big, flower fragrance is not much. How to make "room" elegant? Hang a picture and calligraphy on the wall. The host can enjoy the beauty of art and cultivate himself. Through the appreciation of the above aspects, plus the appreciation of skills, planning, knowledge, character, poetry and other aspects, we can be sure whether a painting is worth collecting. The historical origin of Chinese calligraphy and painting is broad and profound. Even with thousands of words, it is impossible to say clearly what is Chinese calligraphy and painting. It doesn't emphasize the change of light and color of objects in nature, and doesn't stick to the similarity of object surface. But more emphasis on the expression of the author's objective feelings. Chinese calligraphy and painting research "writing spirit with form", the pursuit of "wonderful between like and not like" feeling, "absolutely like and not like the real thing
2、 Ancient and modern comparison of celebrity calligraphy and painting recycling
The internal meaning of modern celebrity calligraphy and painting is different from that of ancient and complete. Most of the ancient famous calligraphers and painters are famous for their talents and works. After their works gained certain popularity, they began to become famous gradually. Therefore, most of the famous calligraphers and painters, such as Wang Xizhi and Zhao Mengtao, can also become famous through the ages. Their logical relationship is generally "people sing in painting". Contemporary famous calligraphers and painters have gradually participated in many sociological elements, For example, the author has a certain social position, and his calligraphy and painting works are often sought after, such as the calligraphy works of some film and television stars. There are many contemporary phenomena of "painting in people".
The above is the content to share with you. If you want to know more wonderful content, you can pay attention to the following websites: http://www.jinandayatang.com Or search acquisition celebrity calligraphy and painting search, we will have more wonderful content to share with you!