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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2017-09-09

Chinese landscape painting is one of the most important forms of Chinese traditional painting. It is an art form that can best reflect the Chinese culture and artistic spirit.

The creation of the painting is painting painting than late, early, early sprouting in the background of figure painting, in the Wei and Jin Dynasties gradually independent, forming an independent painting of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, developed five generations of two Song Dynasties reached the artistic peak, and achievement of Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties have development that has not changed.
Landscape painting is China's landscape painting, but it is not simply a description of the natural scenery, but the painter's spiritual appeal and outpouring. It is the expression of the painter's life attitude and the embodiment of the painter's life pursuit.
The formation of landscape painting is closely related to Taoism in China. Taoism pursues the spiritual realm of "natural inaction" and "harmony between man and nature"". Taoism in pursuit of simple and natural, simple and silent artistic spirit, so the landscape painting to ink performance based, supplemented by color.
The Wei and Jin Dynasties is metaphysics prosperous period, Metaphysics Thought is representative of Taoist thought, this period of political unrest, many scholars in order to avoid the The people are destitute., political strife on the choice of seclusion, like Tao Yuanming, Ji Kang and Ruan Ji, they went into the mountains and Yinshizuofu, landscape poetry and landscape painting Sheng came into being. All these are closely related to the influence of Taoism in people's life.
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