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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心如何判断字画有无收藏价值


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2017-08-08

For a long time, Chinese calligraphy and painting has always been regarded as a relatively small investment risk. Especially in recent years, with the soaring prices of calligraphy and painting, the price is high, many people want to get a slice of this market. But it should be noted that, in fact, Chinese calligraphy and painting as a special investment goods, not a buy will be able to make money so simple. Because calligraphy fakes on the market are more widespread, even some of the old fish in troubled waters, experts also inevitably missed here follow the acquisition of celebrity pictures Xiaobian a look at it.

在字画这个投资和投机成风的时代,避免风险的首要一条就是要防范赝品。俗话说 “不怕买贵,就怕买假”,意思就是说买贵了并不可怕,但如果买错了,钱就打水漂了。因为只是要一件名家大师真迹,多花一点钱买下来其实没有什么,因为将来还会慢慢升值。但如果买到的是赝品假画,那就分文不值,因为赝品永远是没有投资价值的。
In the era of investment and speculation in calligraphy and painting, the first thing to avoid risks is to guard against fakes. As the saying goes, "not afraid to buy expensive, afraid to buy fake", meaning that buy expensive is not terrible, but if you buy the wrong money, naught. Just because a famous master artworks, spend a little money to buy what is not, because the future will slowly rise. But if you buy a fake fake paintings, it is not worth a farthing, because the investment value is not always a fake.
Collection of paintings in addition to the pursuit of some popular painter works, some of the more popular painter works should also be concerned about. It is important to note that the more popular artists, the fake paintings are often more, so if the investor is not a master of calligraphy and painting famous experts, it is best not to invest too popular works of calligraphy and painting, then to select those two or three lines of famous works.
The above is Xiao Bian for you to explain the relevant knowledge, we have a strict working attitude, skilled work skills, will ensure that the task accurately and efficiently completed.