

联系: 董先生

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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心教您如何欣赏一幅字画


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2017-07-08

Ji'nan said the acquisition of paintings and calligraphy works appreciation is the spirit of calligraphy, artistic expression and become the first impression of appreciation, let you feel the work is quality, is the beauty of art, the second is the perception of how words form, this process is the appreciation process of appreciating works, also enjoy the calligraphy read a deeper sense of the process of re creation.

The acquisition of calligraphy and painting in Ji'nan, the evaluation of a good or bad calligraphy works, and it does not have artistic beauty, mainly depends on the two aspects of the visible and invisible aspects of calligraphy. Tangible, embodied in the "real", including the specific pen, art, structure and other elements, these are shaping the shape of the word means.
The acquisition of calligraphy and painting in Ji'nan is a means of expressing the inner beauty of the word. The spirit can be understood as the calligraphy of life, spirit can be understood as the soul of Chinese calligraphy, artistic conception can be understood as the inner beauty of calligraphy, the three are invisible and real existence is in the art of calligraphy, with the words of the invisible beauty.
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