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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-04-25

Ancient calligraphy and painting are major items in the collection of artworks, among which the sparkling art history of the Ming and Qing dynasties provided an important treasure trove for collectors. The works of everyone in the Ming and Qing dynasties have repeatedly become the focus of auctions. Jinan's acquisition of calligraphy and painting personnel reminds you to stay calm when collecting calligraphy and painting. You should first learn about art history, and there will not be many opportunities to pick up leaks. It's difficult to keep a good collection with the mentality of picking up a treasure at a low price overnight and selling it at a high price the next day.
The cultural heritage of the Ming and Qing dynasties originated from Jiangnan. The 'Four Great Talents' of the Ming dynasty were all located in Jiangnan, and the' Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou 'were also located in Jiangnan. Our painting art in Guangdong is better than that of the Lingnan School. However, the Lingnan School is also influenced by schools such as the Zhejiang School, Songjiang School, and Shanghai School
The early calligraphy and painting style of the Ming Dynasty mainly originated from the "courtyard style" of the Song Dynasty, with representative figures such as Zhou Wei, Chen Yu, Chen Yuan, Lin Liang, Lin Jiao, and others. And there was also the "Zhejiang School" that dominated the art world at that time. The Zhejiang School of Painting was named after its founder, painter and scholar Dai Jin, who was from Qiantang, Zhejiang. The Zhejiang School of Painting has an important subsidiary of the Jiangxia School of Painting, represented by Wu Wei of Jiangxia.
During the Xuande period, Suzhou gave birth to the "Wu Sect" founder master Shen Zhou, who was succeeded by Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, and Qiu Ying. They have comprehensively inherited the traditions since the Song and Yuan dynasties in art and formed their own unique styles, replacing the academy style and the Zhejiang school to occupy the main position in the art world, lasting for more than 150 years.
In the history of painting, Shen, Wen, Tang, and Qiu are collectively referred to as the "Four Schools of Wu" or "Four Schools of Ming", and are representative painters of the Wu School. The influence of the Wu School of Painting on important painting schools in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties was also significant. The "Songjiang School" mainly composed of Dong Qichang, as well as the later derivative schools such as the Su Song School and the Yun Jian School, all have a continuous relationship with the Wu School.
In history, there have been many calligraphers and painters, but only one person in each era would become the 'painter' of that era. For example, in the Ming Dynasty, there was Wu Wei, the 'Number One Painter', who was also known as the 'Second Weng' and the 'Little Immortal'. During the reign of Emperor Xiaozong, he was awarded the title of 'Hundred Households of the Royal Guards' and the seal of' Number One Painter '.
The painter of the Qing Dynasty was Wang Hui, one of the 'Four Kings'. In the Republic of China, the Painting Saint was a towering peak of the Lingnan School of Painting. These painters are highly valued by collectors
To collect ancient calligraphy and painting, it is necessary to understand the personality and characteristics of each painter, such as their habit of writing, the characteristics of writing, the personality of composition, and the method of using colors. It is important to pay attention to this. If you want to collect calligraphy and painting, you must read the history of art and calligraphy, know some of the painter's life stories, and be familiar with some of his paintings and read them frequently.
Another thing is to read more, learn more, get in touch with more, and seek advice more. As children say, read loudly, and if you are wrong, someone will tell you. If you read in your heart, I don't know if you are wrong For more related content, come to our website http://www.jinandayatang.com consulting service