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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心为何现在市场的字画收购会高呢?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-04-06

1、 The artistic level of the work itself
Jinan's acquisition of calligraphy and painting personnel believes that the artistic level of their works is the main factor in measuring their value. The market price of some famous people's calligraphy and painting may rise or fall due to temporary social environment or accidental events. For example, the resignation of painting and calligraphy officials will lead to a direct decline in the price of their works. Therefore, collectors should maintain a calm mind and attach sufficient importance to the essence of art.
2、 The level of calligraphy proficiency
Calligraphy is reflected in traditional Chinese painting, firstly through the use of calligraphy brushes, and secondly through the artistic beauty of inscription and postscript writing. Nowadays, many painters do not pay attention to the practice of calligraphy, nor do they attach importance to pen and ink, resulting in a lack of ink and ink charm in the painting, and even dare not even drop the style. Such works or artists are not considered potential stocks. For the same work, those with longer inscriptions and postscripts have higher value than those with poorer content.
3、 Do you have academic support
Words without words, actions without distance. The academic level of a calligrapher and painter will affect the depth and sustainability of his creations. Theory guides practice, which is also one reason why ancient people read thousands of books. Through reading, creation, and communication, forming one's own theoretical system or a unique perspective on art over time is of great significance for the growth of artists. This knowledge also includes literature, history, music, dance, traditional Chinese medicine, Tai Chi, and so on. By drawing nourishment from traditional culture, enriching and deepening the creative connotation, works can have a unique style.
4、 Comprehensive cultivation
People often say 'painting is like the person' and 'books are like the person'. Painting is the manifestation of personality, and personality is the result of cultivation. If a painter paints well and has high cultivation, then he must be a potential stock. The improvement of comprehensive cultivation requires reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles. Especially in the field of classical literature, knowledge should be integrated and integrated, and when emotions arise, images should be used to express themselves in writing, forming a unique appearance.
5、 Influence and visibility
Famous and non famous individuals are important boundaries for measuring artistic value and investment value. To some extent, art investment is investing in the works of famous artists. Famous experts here are also divided into big and small. Some works of influential and well-known calligraphers and painters have high returns, but their investment costs are also high.
For an ordinary painter, it is very difficult to increase his popularity. He needs the efforts of galleries, brokers, exhibition companies, media, and many other aspects to achieve some results. If a painter has gained a certain level of popularity, their market will also heat up and collectors will pay more attention. Come to our website if you have any needs http://www.jinandayatang.com Consult!