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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2023-01-28

As more and more people participate in the collection of celebrity calligraphy and painting, some people earn a lot of money, and some people lose all their money. Various market phenomena make more and more people want to know some knowledge of calligraphy and painting collection. So how to collect celebrity calligraphy and paintings? Shandong's acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting personnel will explain to you.
1、 Celebrity calligraphy and painting collection should not be too greedy for cheap.
As the saying goes, every penny is worth every penny. Good goods are not cheap, and cheap goods are not good. So are calligraphy and painting works. The price of a calligraphy and painting work is related to such factors as the fame of the author, the level of art, the uniqueness of the style, and the size of the ruler. If the price of a famous calligraphy and painting work is obviously low, many people will rush to buy it for cheap, and the buyer may be deceived. We must carefully study and distinguish the true from the false.
2、 The key of celebrity calligraphy and painting collection is art, not halo.
In the collection field, many people are confused by the fame of famous artists, and think that as long as it is famous calligraphy and painting works, it has collection value. In fact, it is not, because the works of famous artists are not all high-quality works, there are a lot of scenario-based works, vulgar and mediocre. Although it is not bad for money, if you really buy a bad work, you will have to pay for it. It is the right way to choose calligraphy and painting works with high artistic taste and potential.
3、 Celebrity calligraphy and painting collection should avoid works without personality.
Personality is the soul of a work. A work without soul is not a good work, and it can't stand the test of time. If you only pay attention to good looks and don't pay attention to style and personality, your collection value of celebrity calligraphy and painting will be greatly reduced.
In the process of celebrity calligraphy and painting collection, mastering some knowledge of calligraphy and painting collection is a prerequisite for collectors. We will continue to introduce this knowledge in subsequent reports. If you want to know more about celebrity calligraphy and painting collection, you can come to our website http://www.jinandayatang.com Find out more.