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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心灯光照明是否合适对古书画起着作用


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-12-01

Light, as an energy, will not only react with cultural relics of various textures to cause deterioration of cultural relics, but also the thermal effect of light will increase the temperature of the environment exposed to light. Shandong personnel who acquired celebrity calligraphy and painting believed that there was a certain amount of light in the exhibition cabinet of the art museum due to the need of people to watch the exhibits, so the light played a very important role in the change of temperature and humidity in the exhibition cabinet.
As far as environmental factors are concerned, the light that damages ancient calligraphy and painting is mainly ultraviolet light, which damages the organic components in ancient calligraphy and painting, aging and yellowing the paper, silk and other materials in ancient calligraphy and painting.
Taking the ancient calligraphy and painting works and publications in the exhibition cabinet of the art museum as an example, ancient calligraphy and painting books will be seriously damaged in places where the sun can directly shine, while ancient calligraphy and painting works and books are well preserved in places where the sun cannot directly shine, which shows that the life of ancient calligraphy and painting is directly related to light.
Therefore, for the preservation environment of ancient calligraphy and painting, it is important to take lighting measures to reduce the UV content in the environment. This can be solved by installing an artificial light source without ultraviolet light and glass filtering ultraviolet light in the exhibition hall.
In this way, when the external natural light shines on the UV glass on the doors and windows of these rooms, the UV with shorter wavelength will be blocked and filtered. In addition, considering that visible light also has a certain destructive effect on ancient calligraphy and painting, precious ancient calligraphy and painting can be exposed to visible light as little as possible according to specific circumstances, so as to prolong the life of ancient calligraphy and painting and cultural relics.
Therefore, whether the lighting is suitable for ancient calligraphy and painting, you should consider and check this aspect when saving celebrity calligraphy and painting. Come to our website for more information http://www.jinandayatang.com Ask and understand!