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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2017-06-15

Painting has a unique artistic style, so how to choose a potential appreciation of calligraphy and painting? For these problems, the acquisition of Ji'nan calligraphy and painting small said many investors do not have enough profound professional knowledge, the market also do not know the wrong place, and buy expensive books painting is very popular. Therefore, for investors in painting and calligraphy, it is possible to have some well-known art exchanges platform and professional organizations with high reputation, credibility and stable customer base, so that they can guarantee their investment interests.
1, distinguish the true from the false. Painting and calligraphy market diversification, no greater than the authenticity of difficult to distinguish.

2, sentiment art. The collection is to edify sentiment, sentiment and the works of art is the aesthetic process, China ancient culture broad and profound, China painting embodies the crystallization of thousands of years of ancient culture, from the theme, picture, text, style, tone, composition, aesthetic appreciation, learning is the subject in the process of world without end, under the guidance of experts can shorten the learning and understanding.
3, investment dark horse. The acquisition of Ji'nan calligraphy experts said that not all of the work has its value, must also find with artists and works, investment in the development of space and value of the rising speed of the work, must have a distinctive and unique style; second, the work must have difficult skills; thirdly, the investment must have awareness of the paintings; to the artist, the peak of boutique investment.
China contemporary works of calligraphy and painting is in the stage of steady development, between the auction and bid evaluation showed 15% to 28% of the increase, the rising speed is estimated to continue to consider, and upstream works with obvious price, this does not rule out the market price on may. Therefore, the general art collection and investors should first according to the amount of money, expertise and personal interest to determine the collection of varieties, too hot varieties are not the best choice.
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