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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心书法的学习,要在“点画振动”上下功夫!


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-01-11

1、 What is the "dot vibration" of calligraphy?
The so-called "stippling vibration" of calligraphy refers to that in the process of writing, the calligrapher continuously adjusts the front of the pen into the paper through strong pen control and according to the elasticity of the brush itself, so that the written stippling lines are dynamic, flexible and full of vitality.
"Dot painting vibration" is the core of calligraphy pen, which the ancients had already noticed, but many people didn't understand this reason and didn't conduct in-depth research at that time. Jiang Kui of the Southern Song Dynasty once pointed out that "stippling vibration is the way for calligraphy to live with a pen."
2、 How to strengthen the awareness of "dot painting vibration" in the process of calligraphy?
1. The training of sense of rhythm can effectively improve the awareness of "dot vibration".
In the process of facing the pool at ordinary times, we should consciously strengthen the training of sense of rhythm. In other words, in the process of painting near the pond, you can't draw a brush at a glance. Instead, you are required to know the whole font structure or the line route of a line of words before you can write, and make full use of the elasticity of the pen itself in the process of writing, and consciously cut, stab, stun, frustrate, stop and uncover your fingers and wrists. The slow should be slow, the fast should be fast, and there should be a cadence of rhythm. You can't use force evenly. Remember!
2. Back facing and blind writing are powerful weapons to improve the awareness of "stippling vibration".
In the study of calligraphy, we should strengthen back facing and blind writing. In other words, in the process of facing the pool, put the calligraphy aside for the time being. Don't read it first, but hold it! Don't peek! Write by memory, even if there is a big gap with the original, don't read the original. After you write it several times, see if you feel like writing "dot vibration". If so, remember the feeling of writing and write it a few more times. If you don't write down the feeling of "dot vibration", analyze the reason? Finally, carefully compare with the original post, correct the gap immediately, and continue to strengthen writing until you are satisfied.
3、 Conclusion.
In a word, if you don't make good efforts in the "dot painting vibration" in the study of calligraphy, it will be difficult for you to make great progress in your calligraphy level. In the process of facing the pool at ordinary times, strengthening the training of sense of rhythm can effectively improve your awareness of "stippling vibration". At the same time, you should recite and write blindly. In this way, your calligraphy will be greatly improved.
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