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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心收购名人字画时要参考多方的意见


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-09-14

收藏名人字画,已成为时下投资的大热门.它不但能陶冶性情,增加艺术修养,而且还能保 值增  值.然而如何收购名人字画收购需参考多方意见.且听大雅堂名人字画收购为您介绍.
Collecting celebrity calligraphy and painting has become a hot investment nowadays. It can not only cultivate temperament, increase artistic cultivation, but also maintain and increase value. However, how to purchase celebrity calligraphy and painting needs to refer to many opinions. And listen to the introduction of celebrity calligraphy and painting acquisition experts in Daya hall
Johnson, a famous Oriental Calligraphy and painting collector at Harvard University in the United States, believes that collection should first be rebuilt and cultivated with foresight. Cultivation comes from the accumulation of knowledge. It is necessary to have not only painting knowledge, but also history and archaeology. If you have deep cultivation, you will naturally have eyesight. Secondly, you should seize the opportunity and talk about opportunities
The circulation of buying celebrity calligraphy and painting is very accidental. Once a good calligraphy and painting misses the opportunity, it may never return. Third, we should know the painter and look at the works. What is a good work and who is a good calligrapher vary from person to person. As a calligrapher and painter, the quality of his works often varies from year to year, and there is no invariable track to find. The older he is, the more mature his skills are, However, it does not mean that their calligraphy and painting are better. Some painters' early works are better than their late works, while Huang Binhong's paintings are the better; Fourth, we should distinguish the true from the false and look at the identification. To identify the true from the false, we should first listen to the opinions of experts. Experts recognize that it is a genuine product and generally will not identify it after buying it
To identify the authenticity, we should first listen to the opinions of Shandong celebrity calligraphy and painting acquisition experts. Experts recognize that they are genuine and generally will not buy them. To identify the authenticity, we should first listen to the opinions of experts. Experts recognize that they are genuine and generally will not lose money. Fifth, there are three criteria for buying or not buying: first, don't buy social calligraphy and painting. Don't pay more attention to social works, It is difficult to have high-quality works. Second, do not buy the general works of famous artists. Third, the elaborate works of late famous and potential calligraphers and painters should be resolutely bought! Because they will be famous in the future