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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心名人字画收购中四大基本的心理误区


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-06-18

如今,字画收藏已经成为很多普通家庭关注的话题,一时间字画市场进入盛世阶段。艺术与财富的巨大诱 惑力诱使很多人投身到这一行业中。然而,并不是所有投身古玩收藏行业的人都具有一颗热爱收藏诚挚之心。在巨大财富的诱 惑下,也有很多人误入“禁区”。
Nowadays, the collection of calligraphy and painting has become a topic of concern for many ordinary families, and the calligraphy and painting market has entered a prosperous stage. The great allure of art and wealth lures many people into this industry. However, not all people who join in the antique collection industry have a sincere love for collection. Under the temptation of huge wealth, many people have strayed into the "forbidden zone".
1、 Scheming for wealth
After going to several large-scale auctions, many people feel that if an antique or a famous calligraphy and painting is put up for auction, they will make a lot of money and become rich once. Then I went to "Taobao" in the antique market and found two similar things, which I thought would be on the table. In fact, I often got back a lot of "high imitation a goods" and then it was hard to sell.
2、 Experts first, no learning, no skill
In today's society, where experts are rampant, the same is true for antique identification. Many "experts" aim at making profits, pretending to be ignorant and confusing black and white. As a result, many Tibetans believe it or not. Once experts "affirm" the true and false origin of this article, they will be ecstatic or disappointed. In fact, it's unnecessary. Like is like, don't like is don't like, genuine is good, fakes don't need to panic. When you meet an expert, you don't have to be more serious with him. After all, people have their eyes crossed. The enthusiasm of collecting a thing, don't be influenced by other people's mind. At the same time, we can't trust books and talk on paper.
3、 I'm glad to pick up the leak, but I'm lucky
In fact, there is little possibility of "picking up the leak" in the collection industry. As the saying goes, "good goods are not cheap, cheap goods are not good". Generally, the quality of goods is linked to the value, let alone antiques. Therefore, don't always gather in front of the seemingly cheap antique stalls and wait for the "leak" to be found. In this way, not only can we not find the leak, but also we are afraid of losing money.
4、 Curiosity, self defeating
Many people who have just entered the collection circle think that the less things and the more strange things are, the greater their collection value will be. They also think that no matter how serious the counterfeiting is, the more ancient things are not easy to imitate. However, it should be noted that the counterfeiters have grasped the psychology of "new players" and have done malicious harm.
New collectors in the collection circle should know that even collecting wine bottles is the same as collecting ancient utensils with a unit price of tens of millions. If your collection can be tied up by fate and don't do too much, I believe you will soon be able to find a suitable way to collect wine bottles in this industry.