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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心山东收购名人字画工笔画线条的美感


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-04-09

The density, thickness, curving and straightness, dynamic flexibility and the change of virtual and real of fine brushwork lines reflect the rhythm and rhythm of fine brushwork. Fine brushwork without color is actually a complete line drawing. It can be said that a good fine brushwork must first have good lines. The charm of lines is half of the success of fine brushwork.
Although fine brushwork lines have strong planarity and decoration, the sense of space they show can not be underestimated. In fact, the sense of space of traditional Chinese painting is also the perspective of traditional Chinese painting. Of course, it is different from the focus perspective of Western painting, and mainly focuses on scattered perspective. Pay attention to the "step with the scene", more often as long as you can clearly express the relationship between the front and back, up and down, left and right of the depicted object, and do not strictly study the accuracy of local modeling, which is also one of the important aesthetic characteristics of Chinese painting.
Fine brushwork modeling is mainly reflected in the "Application of line", different performance objects, take different pen concepts and techniques. For example, light petals should be traced by gossamer, heavy leaves should be traced by iron thread, woody branches should be traced by inverse sharp pen, and herbaceous stems and vines should be traced by center point. When you watch the murals of Yongle Palace in Yuan Dynasty, you will find that the grasp of texture with lines is very accurate.
If you look at the fine brushwork of the predecessors and modern sages, you will find a common feature of using the line, that is, the line at the root of the flower leaf is thicker, while the line at the tip of the flower leaf is thinner, and the line on the dark side of the cylindrical object is slightly thicker than that on the bright side.