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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2021-04-01

With the rapid development of economy, more and more people join in the ranks of investing in the collection of celebrity calligraphy and painting. On the one hand, collecting celebrity calligraphy and painting can delight, cultivate sentiment and regulate geomantic omen. On the other hand, it can bring a lot of interest space to themselves. However, investing in the collection of celebrity calligraphy and painting also has risks. In the process of collection, we need to pay great attention to it, and we must master several points of celebrity calligraphy and painting collection Common sense.
According to Cen Shiying, former president of Shunde Collection Association, paintings are characterized by "five fears" of heat, light, humidity, mildew and insect bites. In order to collect and protect famous people's calligraphy and painting, we must grasp the following common sense of calligraphy and painting collection:
1、 I want to get rid of the dust. Before collecting celebrity calligraphy and paintings, it's better to dust off the surface of celebrity calligraphy and paintings to prevent dust from getting into celebrity calligraphy and paintings, and also to prevent mildew or pollution and moth in the shaft head. We should pay special attention to the famous calligraphy and painting on silk. If the dust falls in the cracks of silk, we must patiently remove it, otherwise the life of famous calligraphy and painting will be shortened in the event of moisture. In addition, invisible eggs lurk in the dust. When the temperature and humidity are appropriate, they become adults and will eat famous people's calligraphy and paintings in the future. Therefore, celebrity calligraphy and paintings should not be hung for several years, because the process of hanging is the process of slow weathering, deterioration, fading and damage.
2、 Seal it. The collector of famous calligraphy and painting had better wrap the famous calligraphy and painting with kraft paper and put them in the box or cabinet with good sealing performance. At the same time, put camphor block and other insect repellent supplies in the corner of the box to prevent insects. Then put in the absorbent paper, you can protect the celebrity calligraphy and painting safe, extend the life of celebrity calligraphy and painting.
3、 It should be damp proof. In summer, the weather is humid. Collectors of famous calligraphy and paintings should pay more attention to this. Wet is to choose not wet wall hanging, and in the room to avoid steam place, to prevent the usual moisture attached to celebrity calligraphy and painting; second, when the rainy season comes, should temporarily put bare celebrity calligraphy and painting collection, after the rainy season, timely choose sunny, dry weather, celebrity calligraphy and painting one by one to expand or hang, in order to disperse the moisture in the ventilation.
4、 Keep away from the light. Because the celebrities' calligraphy and paintings are generally carried by paper and silk, the ultraviolet rays in the sun will make the fibers of paper and silk degenerate, resulting in yellowing, fading and brittleness, causing damage to the celebrities' calligraphy and paintings, thus shortening the life of the celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. Therefore, celebrities' calligraphy and paintings should be kept in a dark, cool, dry and clean place.