

联系: 董先生

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邮箱: 927423163@qq.com

地址: 济南市历下区,舜耕路6-1号(泉城公园东门北行50米路东)


您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心收购真迹字画要注意什么?


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2018-02-26

First, attention should be paid to the acquisition of original picture through formal channels to buy buy. We can often see some stalls selling cultural relics on the side of the road. In this case, you must not buy words and paintings. On the one hand, the possibility of impersonation of calligraphy and painting is very large, on the other hand, the source of these words and paintings is not reliable. It may be a tomb robbery, or a theft. If something happens, it's in trouble.
Two, Ji'nan acquisition of calligraphy and painting should pay attention to how to keep it. As we know, the works of calligraphy and painting are relatively fragile. In the custody of the time, should pay attention to mothproof, must be kept in a cool ventilated place, prevent mildew. In order to protect it well, it can be mounted and sealed in a paper tube. When take out, to wear gloves to prevent dirt pollution to the original works, don't make it broken.
Three, Ji'nan's purchase of calligraphy and painting should pay attention to the price. We know that different works of calligraphy and painting are very different in price. When the original acquisition of calligraphy works, must have a certain understanding of the market price, especially the different artists' works, the price difference is greater.
Thank you for paying attention to the product information issued by the company in the busy schedule. If you want to know more, you can come to our company for consultation. We welcome everyone's presence and cooperate with you!