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来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2018-01-24

1. The artistic level of the work itself
The artistic level of the work itself is the main factor to measure its value. This involves the three realm of calligraphy and painting: the realm of scenery, the state of the pen and ink and the realm of humanity. A painting itself portrays the nature of the mountains as "its things", which is the realm of the scenery. It can be seen in its skills, the beauty of the scenery and the wonderful layout of the rules. If on the basis of the scenery, there is a better pen and ink. Chinese landscape painting with pen to get the beauty of its masculinity, with ink to get the beauty of its shade.
2. The level of calligraphy
The expression of calligraphy in painting, calligraphy is a pen, two is the art of writing inscriptions.
3. Is there any academic support
The academic level of the calligraphers will affect the depth and sustainability of his creation. The theory guides practice, which is also one of the reasons for the ancients to read thousands of books. Through reading, writing and communication, forming a theoretical system for a long time, or a unique perspective of art, is of great significance for the growth of artists.
4, comprehensive cultivation
The painting is the appearance of the personality, and the personality is the result of the cultivation. If a painter paints well and has high accomplishment, he must be a potential stock. The improvement of comprehensive cultivation needs to read ten thousand volumes of books and walk in Wan Li Road.
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